The month of Ramadhaan is here again,
With so much khayr for us to gain.
The month of Mercy and Blessing,
The month of praying and fasting.
The month of Suhoor and Iftaar,
The month of Taraweeh and adhkaar.
In it was revealed the Glorious Qur’an,
Last Wahy of Allaah, a guide for mankind.
In it Shayateen are chained and level of good deeds raised,
Doors of Jannah are opened and sins erased.
In it fasting is compulsory for all,
To attain Taqwa is the main goal.
Fasting is from dawn to dusk,
Resulting smell is better than musk.
In it is laylatul Qadr - the night of Power,
Search for this night and fall not in error.
Worship in this night with utmost vigour,
By more than thousand months this night is better.
Take Ramadhaan as a spiritual workshop,
Program yourself, as from Halaal you stop.
Take it forward in the rest of the year,
Abandon the Haraam and go not near.
Increase your Eemaan, and make yourself strong,
Make use of this month, and do no wrong.
Appreciate this Blessing called Ramadhaan,
InshaAllaah you will enter Jannah from the Door of ar-Riyaan.
Remember, in this month Allaah Forgives many of His salves,
Try to be of them, for before next Ramadhaan we may well be in our graves.
The month of Ramadhaan is here again,
With so much goods for us to gain…
Beautiful brother...
"Remember, in this month Allaah Forgives many of His salves,
Try to be of them, for before next Ramadhaan we may well be in our graves" - superlike
jazaakAllaah khayr akhi :)
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