a simple muslim sporadic blogger, connecting with the world from the city of mumbai..!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Readying for Ramadhaan


Hopefully you must have read Countdown to Ramadhaan

Now in this post let us collect as much good material, related to Ramadhaan, as possible inshaAllaah; so that it serves as a resource for all of us to help learn and prepare ourselves for Ramadhaan and make the most of it.

I will be updating this post frequently, so keep a check and share it inshaAllaah. Do share some good material in the comment(s) section, if you have.

If you come across any broken link, please do inform inshaAllaah. JazaakAllaah khayr.

May Allaah make this fruitful and help us attain maximum benefit from the Blessed month.. aameen. 

Friday, June 10, 2011

On a Journey to my native..

On a journey to my native,
To meet a relative,
I recalled this verse of the Qur'an,
'Fabi'ayyi 'Ālā'i Rabbikumā Tukadhdhibān'?*.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Countdown to Ramadhaan

Some of you might just wonder as to why this article is written ‘so early’ when the month of Ramadhaan is still ‘far away’. Well, as a wake up call let me tell you that Ramadhaan is not too far away from us, alhamdulilaah. We are now into the sacred month of Rajab, and hence Ramadhaan is at a time span of less than two months from us, inshaAllaah. So I decided to write this short reminder that it is time to start ‘preparing’ for the Blessed Month.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A review of the book - "Don't Be Sad"

Book: Don’t be Sad (La Tahazan)

Author: Shaykh ‘Aaidh ibn ‘Abdullah al-Qarni

‘Don’t Be Sad’, the title had caught my attention straight away when I first learnt about this book and without much delay I managed to grab my copy and truly it was worth it!
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